Micro blogging has risen drastically in popularity in the past 5 years. There is still a place for long, detailed and informative blog posts however micro blogging offers the chance to provide information in just a few lines. So, here we are sharing some of the amazing premium microblogging themes for WordPress that are useful for your good WordPress blogging.
These micro blog themes will transform your standard WordPress blog into a superior publishing platform. If you like this post, share it with your friends through email and social networks. Related articles you will definitely find worth checking out: Best Free WordPress iOS Themes, Free WordPress User Login Widgets and Creative Free Mobile Apps UI Kits.
Clipboard – Pinterest Inspired WordPress Theme
Clipboard is Pinterest inspired WordPress theme that comes chock full of style and customisation options. If you’re looking to get started with microblogging then Clipboard is the way to go! Clipboard supports all of the core WordPress post formats and has been built and designed with simplicity in mind.
Spaces – Full Screen Grid-Based Blog, Portfolio Theme
Spaces is a clean, minimal, fully responsive, grid-based personal blog to write and collect your favorite things. The unique Pinterest style layout is perfect for showcasing your work, and collecting and writing about the things you like.
Sans – A Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme
Sans is a responsive WordPress portfolio theme designed and developed for today’s savvy creative. Complete with audio and video support, this theme gives you the tools to easily manage and publish your work so you can concentrate on what you are best at being creative. Custom designed, developed and responsive HTML5 Audio player, Fully localized with .pot file included, Built in lightbox effects on linked gallery images using Fancybox 2, Well written and easy to understand online and PDF User Guide.
Digital Marketing – Blog WordPress Theme
Digital Marketing is Marketing Blog wordpress theme for marketer which have many useful features to allow you build a creative, personal, branding, marketing, seo blogs in a few minutes! Digital was designed by our talents and passion, we take care any details to make it look perfect. Thin Header gives more space for the content below so visitors will not miss them. A picture with your confident smile will make people impressed and have good first glance. The bold blog heading helps people focus on what your content is written about and they will click on it to read the content.
Founder – A Content Marketing WordPress Theme
Founder is a Content Marketing Theme for Founders, Co-Founders, Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, Business Experts, Marketers, Bloggers, CEO’s, and Business Owners. Share your unique story with Founder and build a personal branded content marketing strategy focused on actionable, authoritative, and relevant content to attract and retain subscribers. Founder includes several well-designed templates and integrates seamlessly with Easy Digital Downloads, Mailbag, Mailchimp, and Jetpack WordPress plugins to super charge your website and enable you to build a subscriber list and sell your digital products.
Navigate – Premium Blog WordPress Theme
Navigate is premium blog WordPress theme which have many useful features to allow you build a creative, personal, branding, marketing, seo blogs in a few minutes! Navigate was designed by our talents and passion, we take care any details to make it look perfect. Navigate also support retina display which will make your site look great in retina devices suck as iphone, ipad, macbook pro retina ect. It also use our new framework so it will load very fast , easy to update functions and SEO friendly.
JudyBlog – Elegant Blog WordPress Theme
JudyBlog is Elegant Blog wordpress theme which have many useful features to allow you build a creative, personal, branding, marketing, seo blogs in a few minutes! JudyBlog was designed by our talents and passion, we take care any details to make it look perfect. JudyBlog also support retina display which will make your site look great in retina devices suck as iphone, ipad, macbook pro retina ect. It also use our new framework so it will load very fast , easy to update functions and SEO friendly.
MarketBlog – Premium Blog WordPress Theme
MarketBlog is Premium Blog wordpress theme which have many useful features to allow you build a personal, branding, marketing, seo blogs in a few minutes! MarketBlog was designed by our talents and passion, we take care any details to make it look perfect. MarketBlog also support retina display which will make your site look great in retina devices suck as iphone, ipad, macbook pro retina…ect. It also use our new framework so it will load very fast , easy to update functions and SEO friendly.
Expert – Blog WordPress Theme for Marketer
Marketing Expert is Marketing Blog wordpress theme for marketer which have many useful features to allow you build a creative,personal,branding, marketing , seo blogs in a few minutes! Expert was designed by our talents and passion, we take care any details to make it look perfect. Gives them more reason to subscribe and get in touch with you to learn more from you, which means you have more leads. Encouraging visitors to share your content will drive more visitors to your site via Socials. The bold blog heading helps people focus on what your content is written about and they will click on it to read the content.
Anew – Responsive WordPress Tumblog Theme
A theme in classic personal tumblog style. Fully featured, responsive and high resolution. Anew gives much content variety with all 10 post formats shown in a unique way. Awesome sharpness on retina screens and other high resolution devices. No compromise anywhere. Unlimited primary accent color. Change topbar, header, footer, toplink and post format colors in seconds. This theme will scale down beautifully from a full hd resolution down to a low resolution mobile phone. The sidebar is always kept at a neat 280px. Rendered after in the code of course, so that it appears below on low-res mobile.