Any food enthusiasts have started their own food blogs in the past few years. It is much cheaper to start a business in this field than it used to be years ago. If your website is focused in posting certain recipes and you want your recipes to be as presentable as possible, then you should opt for adding recipe widgets for your site.
WordPress is enabling people to do this easily with a whole host of widgets tailored towards food we thought it would be fun to do a roundup of all the best free and commercial plugins available right now. The following are the best free WordPress recipe widgets that are sure to make your recipe website interesting.
If you know of some widgets that help you out a lot and aren’t listed here, let me know in the comments so I can try them out. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well: Flat Style WordPress Premium Themes, Free Popups Plugins for WordPress, Free Bootstrap Admin Themes and Free RSS Feed WordPress Widgets.
1. Cooksnaps
Cooksnaps is a service for receiving and organizing photos when people cook your recipes, and creating deep conversations around them.
2. Step by Step
Display your data step-by-step style with images and display them on your post or pages in minutes with ease. Keep the standard WYSIWYG content separate from your step-by-step instructions for easy editing.
3. Visual Recipe Index
Visual Recipe Index This plugin creates an automatically updating recipe index with pictures. It uses the recipes that you already have on your blog, and the categories that you have defined.
4. Kitchenbug
Kitchenbug is the ultimate tool for food bloggers, providing full recipe nutritional analysis, rich-snippets compliance, unit conversion and more.
5. RecipePress Reloaded
It basically adds a post type for recipes to your site. You can publish recipes as standalone posts or include in your normal posts and pages. Organize your recipes in categories, cuisines, courses, seasons, … It’S up to your choice how many taxonomies you are creating.
6. SEO, Nutrition and Print for Recipes by Edamam
This is the recipe plugin which makes it easiest for you to format your recipe and make it Google friendly. You can quickly and easily format your recipe with built in SEO feature, print feature and automatic calorie and nutrition calculation for each recipe.
7. GetMeCooking Recipe Template
A WordPress recipe plugin for food bloggers. Display one or more recipes per page with print, recipe search, custom layout, SEO and other features. Add many recipes to a blog post, or the same recipe in many posts.
8. RecipeCentral Search Widget
This plugin will give you a widget on your site to search recipes on Recipe Central is a turnkey program that blends the power of your digital brand with our quality-tested recipe database.
9. Yakadanda ReciPress Extended
A WordPress plugin that extends the Recipress Plugin to allow for data in main RSS Feed, cleans output for Recipes with no Instructions, allows for printable Recipes.
10. Recipe of the Day
Plugin “Recipe of the Day” displays categorized recipes on your blog. There are over 20,000 recipes in 40 categories. Recipes are saved on our database, so you don’t need to have space for all that information.
11. ShopEat – Recipe to Grocery List
ShopEat for wordpress Plugin allows you to add ShopEat button to all your recipes in your blog. With ShopEat wordpress plugin you add an amazing tool for your audience that helps them find the right and accurate ingredients for your recipes.
12. RecipeCan Recipes
A WordPress plugin that organizes recipes on your blog. This is the WordPress plugin that we use to manage all of the recipes on the RecipeCan Blog. It allows any WordPress blogger to post, edit, and browse recipes and photos.
13. Laveem Nutrition Label
Labeem Label is one of our products to help content creators to provide useful nutrition information to their readers. By installing Laveem Label you can easily create customizable nutrition labels for your blogs and sites.