Have you noticed that your audience is becoming less engaged than they once were, or that they are spending less time on your web pages, or even unsubscribing from your mailing list? It could be because the content and design of your website are lacking something that keeps visitors coming back for more. Luckily, all hope is not lost! If you are looking for ways to freshen up your website and make it more appealing to your audience, this guide gives you some must-know tips.
If you want visitors to stay on the page they’ve landed on, as well as deciding to take a look at the rest of your site; you need to be producing top quality content. Having a popular, easy to read blog sets you up as an authority in your field, so when people visit your website, they want to learn something new. Give them what they desire by making your content the best it can be in your chosen topic.
Additionally, your writing style plays a part. You might have great ideas and knowledge to impart, but if you deliver it in a dry, lacklustre way, your visitors will be bored. Writing for the web is different than other forms of writing because readers have so much to distract them, which means they often just scan a page. Freshen up your content by editing it to make your sentences shorter and sharper. Add white space between your paragraphs to break up long chunks of text. You can also add some quality images or illustration to emphasize your points.
Another way to freshen up your website is to ensure your design is visually attractive. After all, nobody likes to read a cluttered page or one that uses too many styles of font! Instead, use symmetry or grid style layouts that help to section information and make it easier to read.
There are often website templates that you can use to get a basic design for your website and adjust it accordingly. If you choose to use a content management platform, such as WordPress, you can also utilize a variety of beautiful themes which can give your site a fresh look. Some of them are free, but you can also invest in a premium design for added flair.
Opt In Incentives
If you notice that you are getting less new subscribers to your email list, it might be because your opt-in incentive isn’t relevant enough. For example, if you offer a free guide to summer barbecuing eBook in return for an email address, you’d need to change it before the winter to appeal to people who are visiting your website. Refresh this incentive and see the new subscriber numbers increase quickly.
The design and content of your website are one of the most crucial aspects because it creates the first impression. If you are a business, it could mean the difference between success and failure. If you feel that your website needs some changes in order to create a better user experience and to bring in more sales, then look carefully at your content and design to see where it can be improved. Take the time to refresh it now, and reap the rewards sooner rather than later.