Php can be used as the scripting language and MySQL as the database management system in the WordPress. A basic knowledge of Php and MySQL can help you in case of troubleshooting problems in the WordPress. The best remote database administrator experts can help you to learn the process of managing the database with the use of phpMyAdmin.
WordPress with Database
The Php programming language can be used to save and retrieve the data from the database. The wordpress database can include information like categories, comments, pages, posts, users, custom fields, site urls etc. After installing the WordPress, you are required to provide username, password, database name, host name etc. The default installation data can be stored after the creation of tables.
WordPress Tables
You will find 11 default tables in each of the WordPress installation. Each of the tables contains various sections and the functionalities of WordPress. The database prefix wp is used before the name of the tables.
All the comments of the WordPress including the author name , email id and url is incorporated in the tables.
The table includes all the settings of the site like admin email, site URL, time format, posts present in each page etc. It also consists of various plug-ins and the plug-in settings.
As the name suggests, the table contains various posts, revisions, pages and the content in the custom post types.
The plug-in called link manager can be helpful to manage all the blog rolls created by the previous versions.
This table consists of Meta information about the posted comments. It can have some fields like comment_id, meta_key, meta_value etc.
All the information about your posts can be included in this table. The post meta information can be the custom fields or the templates for displaying the page. The plug-in data can also be stored here.
The user name, password and the user email are included in the user tables.
The table includes all the Meta information about the users coming into your website.
Taxonomy items can be considered as the terms and can be stored in the individual table. For example, the tags and categories of the WordPress are taxonomies whereas each tag and each category is called terms.
The taxonomies of the terms table can be defined in this particular table. The data in this table helps to distinguish between a category and a tag.
It helps in managing the relationships between different WordPress posts. Therefore it will clearly identify that the X post is present in the Y category in your WordPress blog.
Use phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is an open software that can be used for web based graphical user interface for managing the database of MySQL. All the hosting providers of WordPress have already installed phpMyAdmin in their control panel. The easy access and the smooth performance of the database tasks can be possible after the installation. You can perform various tasks like finding and replacing any particular word from your post, optimizing your database, adding new admin users, changing passwords etc.
Database Back Up
You can create a data back up by using the phpMyAdmin in the WordPress. Export method can be applied with a .SQL file and then you will be provided with various options. You can also use the custom method by selecting the zip as the compressor in your activity.
After activating the WordPress database, you need to select a strong username and password for MySQL to maintain its security. The easy access can be prevented and the WordPress Database can remain safe against the intruders and the hackers.