Сloud storage use has become a new standard for modern business. Whether it’s a large corporation, a small startup, or just a creative person trying to succeed in their field, cloud technology is becoming a necessity at every turn. According to G-Core Labs, this need will only grow over time, as consumers become accustomed to the speed and quality of services provided, and creators, artists and IT companies (and not only) to convenience and benefits.

That is why it is time to order cloud and join the full range of opportunities that provide such technological solutions.
G-CoreLabs Cloud: more than just cloud storage
G-Core Labs Cloud offers a whole new experience and a set of features you won’t find anywhere else. The uniqueness of the service lies in the expanded range of available options, which are combined into a global infrastructure that is definitely worth testing:
- Business owners;
- Entrepreneurs and creative people: photographers, actors, directors, video editors, designers and many others);
- Creators of modern applications and mobile games;
- Those who work in financial markets;
- Anyone who specializes in programming and website development.
The list goes on and on. The bottom line is that cloud solutions from G-Core Labs are something that almost everyone needs.
What does G-CoreLabs Cloud offer?
You can use all the features of the Cloud, or just some of them.
- Virtual images of instances that you upload to the repository load faster than on your PC. These are new standards of calculation that you have not yet met.
- Ready-made systems and application services help application developers bring to market the perfect digital product.
- Through the API, you can control the load level on your platforms, taking into account the potential jumps in traffic at one time or another.
- Site-to-Site VPN is an opportunity to set up your own network, which can be localized in any region.
And of course, you can store any digital data in the cloud, send it, edit and perform other operations. This is similar to other resources. The only difference is in quality: here it is perfect.