4 Ways to Keep Your Readers Engaged in Your Content

Let’s face it. Not many business niches are fairly exciting. Sure, there are those services that sound exciting, such as travel, food, fashion, and lifestyle. What about other human necessities, including insurance, mortgage, home improvement, and tax advising? These are services that don’t sound enticing when people first hear them – or at all.

Keeping Potential Customers Engaged

Many entrepreneurs or start-ups attest that each of their service birth out from the need that they see in everyday life. Come to think of it, moving companies, research firms, virtual assistance, auto swaps, gift packagers and others – are services that seem out of the box but are relevant to everyday living.

The challenge here is not just getting somebody to hire you but putting your cause out there – in an exciting way. How ‘bout we start forming a good set of content through doing the following:

Create Q&A Posts

Another way to break the ice is through creating question-and-answer posts. Many site visitors look for FAQ pages in a site before they inquire through phone. What hosting provider EuroVPS does, is offer’s up a Q&A section with a twist. One post can address the general customer question on a topic. Then customers can bump asking another question. Making your Q&A content interactive by actually getting questions from readers and letting your experts answer them is a great way to not only create content, but show thought leadership.

Tell A Story

Everybody loves a good story. Before you jump to discussing your product or service, why not share how the company was formed or what inspired your advocacy? Some services can’t help but sound dull but its people and the company as a whole sure is not! If you support a cause or two, you can also write why you chose that organization. Make your reader feel the core of your company vision. After all, your business mission is there to guide you in decision making – use it more to your advantage.

Put Some Charm

Ask yourself, what is the most interesting thing about your business? Highlight that element and from there add some humor. You can also create a video or a commercial on relevant topics like the holidays or widely celebrated occasions, such as Valentine’s and Christmas Day. It might sound cheesy to some but truth be told, if you want your business to flourish, you need to embrace some drama. Again, not too much. Just be cool and witty enough to put some emotions into your services.

Get them Moving

Blog posts that begin with “how-to” are usually the most read ones. People love self-help topics and posts that teach them how to do certain things. To keep your readers engaged, give them something to do. Let’s say your service or business is about windows. You can create a content about do’s and don’ts on window cleaning or give some tips on home decorations. You’d be surprised how much fun ideas you can generate from your business. That’s what you want to share with your readers.